Derbyshire Wedding Photographer

 Derbyshire Wedding Photographer : a Steampunk Wedding


Being based in Loughborough means that I am a Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire wedding photographer, even though I also shoot further afield in UK and abroad.

This Derbyshire wedding was one of a kind: a steampunk wedding!  And I’m sad that the venue decided to not book weddings after this year as it’s a really beautiful place. Rachel and Lee booked the venue 3 years ago as their hearts were set on it but they needed time to save for the wedding. Some venues or vendors allow you to pay monthly to make life easier, I offer monthly payments and some of my couples like the option.

I’ll do a separate blog on the details because Rachel’s creations deserve a space on their own as she created beautiful steampunk pieces.

derbyshire-wedding-photographer wedding venuederbyshire-wedding-photographer the wedding dressderbyshire-wedding-photographer bride's entrance

derbyshire-wedding-photographer bride and groom

Yes Rachel did the hats herself, I loved  these steampunk goggles!

derbyshire-wedding-photographer first kissderbyshire-wedding-photographer signing the register

A To have an outdoor wedding you need a permanent structure, this was perfect as it was large enough, it wasn’t too sunny so the guests  weren’t squinting. An overcast day is actually great for photos! derbyshire-wedding-photographer bridesmaid bouquet

I found the colours so subtle and soft, it reminded me of a renaissance painting. derbyshire-wedding-photographer wedding party

Some of the wedding party. I do take the group photos you want, but love to take unplanned photos of your guests. derbyshire-wedding-photographer family groups

For the group photos, I like encouraging interaction to make the images come alive and your memories to be of the things said rather than posing

derbyshire-wedding-photographer wedding guestsderbyshire-wedding-photographer groomsmen

The boys.

derbyshire-wedding-photographer the kids

Yes I love taking photos of the kids, and I guess if you invite them, it’s because you like them too. derbyshire-wedding-photographer couple shotsderbyshire-wedding-photographer couple funderbyshire-wedding-photographer formal couple

Couple photos don’t have to take too long. They can be done in several bursts too to make the most of different places and lighting. derbyshire-wedding-photographer speechesderbyshire-wedding-photographer first dancederbyshire-wedding-photographer first dance love

I love the connection between them. You can feel them breathe each other in.

If you’re looking for a Derbyshire wedding photographer, give me a ring on 07763064497