Natural Family Portraits in Leicester
Watch these natural family portrais in Leicester. We had a lot of fun and the photos are so natural, full of life, expressions, happiness, and even better the kids have a great time so it’s a family treat, real quality time.  It is called the Beloved method, or the Playful Heart approach as it is i both full of fun and shows the love between all the people in the family.  See for yourself.

Beloved is not posing, not being awkward trying to be natural and forgetting how to. There is no reason to stress, no pressure for the kids to give me a smile, or to say cheese. It’s capturing their spirit as they are, not making magazine pictures. What you want when you look back is not a perfect photo, is remembering them as they are in real life.

It’s based on invites, ie suggestions for activities, games, chats, sharing, having fun. It builds up so the children- and adults- get comfortable and loose their shyness. The focus- pardon the pun-  is on enjoying the moment, the photos just capture that. So they capture real reactions, real expressions, authentic relationships.  The end is very lovely – can’t tell you all or it’d spoil it- but the children lapped it up.  So here are some of the images from a fun family shoot in Leicester Botanical Gardens (They’re getting nearly 200 images so I can’t show them all here!)


natural family portraits in Leicesterchildren having fun at natural family portrait in leicesterclose up photos of children at natural family portraits session in leicester




If you or someone you know would like photos to capture this time in your family before they grow up, to get photos of all of you looking like you while having a really joyful family time, book a Beloved session. If you book several in one go to see the kids grow up, you get a big discount too.
Looking forward to sharing this with you
Alix  07763064497