Natural Portraits in London : a funny story!
When I was hired to shoot natural portraits in London for two friends my client explained that she’d chosen me because she liked how natural and authentic my style was. So I was extremely surprised when I met them since they didn’t know each other and were surrounded by a TV crew! It turned out that the two lovely ladies had met on the internet in view to travel to London together and shoot a reality TV show for Honk Kong TV to compare and contrast the lives and ideas of a famous Honk Kong actress- and politician, and a singer, model and actress form Taiwan.
I must say I was quite unnerved by the TV crew filming. I am used to videographers at weddings, but there were many people, all looking for different angles, not the easiest way to get people to relax and be natural. In fact it turned out that we had different ideas of what natural meant. When I say natural, I just mean with no pretending, no posing. I might invite you to do something, I might suggest ideas of interactions or locations bu ti’s got to feel like you.
We walked around London, they sat at cafes, on benches.
I did get to work with my normal methods of getting people to play games and interact but only at the end in a little park near Oxford Street.
By chance I bumped into them a little after our session and couldn’t resist photographing this amazing orange shawl.
It made me realise once more how important communication is, how words mean different things to different people, especially across cultures. But I love the photos we took, even if some weren’t what I usually do. And I might be on TV in Honk Kong in December! I am quite adaptable and am usually up for new adventures. I do like natural portraits but am also happy to do other genres, so if you have an unusual request, some fab ideas, get in touch!
Alix 07763064497.