Spring couple photoshoot Loughborough – Celebrating an anniversary

Spring couple photoshoot Loughborough – Celebrating an anniversary

Spring is such a lovely season! full of blossoms, tender greens, and our energy soars, we want to dance outdoors, celebrate life and love!

cherry blossom couple photoshoot Loughborough

On Epinal way in Loughborough, there are some cherry trees that get covered in white blossoms in March- and in red leaves in autumn.  The pink ones are earlier so we missed them. for blossoms we need to book that week or miss them. so it’s not the most romantic setting but there were no passer-bys and they focused on their feelings for each other. It’s as if the tree was creating a safe haven for them, they’re surrounded in white petals. 

cherry blossom couple photoshoot Loughborough

Couple photoshoots are not just for engagements, it can be for a birthday, an anniversary, a way to show your love to your chosen person. we don’t need occasions , we can create them. 

It was their wedding anniversary and what a lovely way to celebrate it, taking time to feel the love, remember the best times, think of what’s ahead, celebrate each other.

spring couple photoshoot Beacon HIll
Laughing with you…

In the woods, near Beacon Hill, we had more space and time to play, dance, laugh, walk about, and take photos in a variety of settings.

spring couple photoshoot Beacon Hill
“We live together, we work together, we laugh, we play, we complement each other.”
spring couple photoshoot Loughborough

I love the softness, the depth of emotion between these two. You can feel their hearts connect and melt together. 

woman's portrait in spring- Loughborough
“She is my life” Doesn’t she shine? We can see on her face, the love she feels. Every time they look at this image they’ll know that the radiance is from within. from their shared love. 

If you want to book a spring couple photoshoot in Loughborough, March is great for cherry blossoms, end of April is prefect for bluebells, but all seasons have their own beauty, and the main thing is your love. That inner light.

Get in touch to book a couple photoshoot, it’ll be fun, emotional, sweet, and fill you up with loving memories.