Child Portraits in Nottingham – Poppy field

Poppy field child portraits Nottingham


I love kids. I used to be a youth camp leader, then youth worker, then primary teacher. I worked at Summerhill where kids are free-range. I love their vivacity, freedom, openness, vulnerability, creativity, emotions that change faster than British clouds.  Usually I shoot families, because the relationships between siblings, children and parents, parents themselves are beautiful, and really important to capture but this time, it was all about Lola.

Lola is vibrant, loving, fun, loud, a huge sunshine in a little body. She loves singing, dancing, playing, and I love hearing her, watching her. Her joie de vivre brightens everybody’s life. She started giving me the posed smile she thought I wanted. thankfully she relaxed and mum knew exactly how to get her to laugh, respond, run, play so I could capture Lola in all her wonderful uniqueness. You can nearly hear her giggle, can’t you?

Lola is my neighbour so I love going out with her in all seasons. I think this photoshoot is my favourite so far but you can see other portraits in bluebells here, with her sister. I also did some autumn ones with her new puppy but haven’t blogged them yet.

Sunset was past her bedtime but seeing the flowers reignited her energy. I wish I had half of the energy stores she has! I love her open face, her hair like a halo, isn’t she just gorgeous?

If you would like child portraits in Nottingham, Leicester, Derby or surrounding areas, please get in touch. 

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